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Showing posts from June, 2020

What are Progressive Web Applications

This article will help you to answer following questions : What are Progressive Web Applications ? How are they different from Mobile and Web Applications ? What are the advantages of building Progressive Web Applications ? What are Progressive Web Applications? The concept of Progressive Web Applications was first introduced by Google in 2015. The applications built using this technology utilizes the best of both worlds from Mobile and Web Applications. Mobile applications are those applications which are particularly designed keeping mobile phones and their sizes in mind so that the look and feel of these applications are best to view in mobile phones. Similarly Web applications are designed in such a way that the look and feel is best to view the applications in bigger screen devices like laptops and desktops. Now comes a newer version called Progressive Web applications which can be viewed in different devices using the same application code. How are they different...

Outsystems Integrations - Connecting to Microsoft Azure Sql Server

In this article, I will show you how to set up your own Microsoft Azure SQL Server Database and then how to integrate this SQL Server database in Outsystems. Create a free Microsoft Azure Account. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service for building, deploying and testing application through Microsoft managed data centers (similar to Amazon’s AWS services) Microsoft provides free accounts with free credit of $200 to spend in the first year of new account. I am using this feature to create a Microsoft Azure SQL Server database in the cloud and will show how easy it is to connect this Azure AQL Server from Outsystems. Click on Add button to add a Azure SQL Database Fill in the details and click on Create button. Your deployment will take few seconds to few min to create. Look for the status in the table. It will change to Created automatically without refreshing the screen and finally when your screen says deployment is compl...