In Outsystems Version 11+, there is no iFrame widget available when you are building Reactive Web Applications. So in case you want to add an iFrame HTML tag or for that matter any other HTML element, you could do so by creating a generic web block and pass HTML in to it by doing as follows.
Outsystems is the best tool available in the current market for rapid development of Progressive Web Applications. As explained in my previous post, PWAs are light weight, fast and easy to distribute to your users without the need of installing the apps from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. The best thing on top of everything is you could always use your free personal environment to create these apps from Outsystems. Here are some requirements before getting started : You need to install Service Studio Version 11.7 or later. Outsystems Platform Server Step 1 : Login into your Lifetime environment and click on Environments. Step 2 : Choose Options and click on Early Access Features and enable Progressive Web Apps. Step 3 : Open Service Studio and create your Mobile Application. Please note that PWA's are only supported for Mobile Applications currently in Outsystems. Create a Mobile Application module using the mobile application template available in ...